AI’s big challenge: The systemic engineering of history.

Science fiction is fiction. History is also.

What is systemic engineering of history? (Versus systematic) In systemic engineering, history is changed to reflect the narrative the systems requires. Systematic means the system simply changes over time.

Landon Fillmore Systems…

It amazing how Stalin has changed since his death.    

The Russian revolution evolved into a war between two psychopaths, Stalin, and Trotsky.

Trotsky and the Bolsheviks believed in constant worldwide revolution. Stalin was more a nationalist who wanted to unify the Russian empire under a collective. Stalin beat Trotsky.

Stalin was a western hero. Both Roosevelt and Churchill wrote affectionately both to and about him. He was the man who beat back the Wehrmacht and brought the NAZI’s to bear.

Historically though, Stalin went from villain (Trotsky was adored by intellectuals) to hero during WW2 to villain again at the beginning of the cold war. The rift to villain was actually started by Khrushchev who (again) tried to rewrite history.

It was Khrushchev who destroyed worldwide communism. By denouncing Stalinism, he caused a rift between Russian communists and Stalin’s apologists in the US and especially England. Another rewrite of history.

In reality Stalin was neither evil or diabolical… he was inevitable. This is how systems collapse.

History is to economics as oil changes are to internal combustion engines.

The continual rewriting of history is essential to economics. In fact, it’s more important than math. Given that 85% of the population is incapable of understanding the world unless it’s explained as a metaphor, lies are what history has become.

“It’s a metaphorical war we fight,” Vice President and environmental activist, Al Gore.

To understand the system, you must look at its components. Those factors that move it forward and those that constrain it. These are the feedback and feed forward loops in all natural systems. But the most important thing to remember is that humans are not logical, they are biological. To see what propels them, it’s essential to look at what nature gave us.

We are still hunter gatherers at heart.

Monkeys are aware of the fact that the land can only provide so much. So as their tribes grow, they have only one option. Increase the space they control to increase their food supply.

These “food wars” are common in all societies. The amazing thing about the native American warriors was how brutal they were. The story of the capture and enslavement of Mary Jameson by native Americans and the murder of her family is hard to read.

Of course, our good friends the historical apologists will tell us it was all a fiction and that her family deserved it as they did with the history of Stalin. But our take is the brutality is essentially human. It’s not an aberration. People will massacre each other and come up with a justification later.

Churchill took the greatest banking and trading nation on earth and made it dependent on US Spam rations.    

Yet he’s a hero in history books. Britain marched 1 million of their best men to their slaughter in WW1. Churchills (frankly) idiotic strategies cost them their empire. His moronic defense of Singapore, his abandonment of the Empires defense pact with Japan, the defense of Norway, his brainless pact to defend Poland as well as Czechoslovakia are cases in point.

We can argue history until the cows come home, but where is the logic in this? That’s right… there is none. There are just excuses. It’s all just historical word salad.

History is the antithesis of nature.

In nature there is no good or bad. Natural systems do not “evolve” they simply grow into empty niches. Extinction is more bad luck than lack of “fitness.”

The study of genetics is yielding results few want to embrace much less state publicly. Humans are far more instinctive than anyone imagined they would be. While in the past geneticists looked for a gene for this or that, today they study allele groups.

These studies have given to an understanding of humans as having vast similarities as the basic genetic level, but widespread differences at the allele level. In other words, there is not a single bell curve, but a series of interlocking bell curves which could best be described of as propensities.

For example, Australian Shepards were bred as herd dogs. If you look at any litter, they look very similar in size, hair color, etc. Yet, some have a very strong herding instinct while others stare into space with no clue what herding is.

Communication is another instinct. If you’ve ever been around guide dogs, they are truly some of Gods most amazing creatures. Yet it takes several of the best bred dogs to find one that is instinctive enough to communicate with a blind human.

But what does this have to do with history?

Like dogs, humans also have instincts. Ask yourself this question. Which head of state in the world would you describe as intelligent? Spoiler alert… don’t worry, you won’t run out of fingers.

Certain leaders, like Macron of France and Rishi Sunak of the UK are very bright. But they are the exceptions. The rest are either suits (The Russian word translates to inadequate job holders) or flat-out morons.

So, if monkeys are run by the alpha male, why aren’t humans? The answer is, they are, they’re just not elected officials.

The leader in any system is the sovereign.

And who is the sovereign? The sovereign is the person or movement that is above the law. No one is ever going to convict George Soros of a crime, yet when Trump was president the US department of justice literally INVENTED crimes that he was “guilty” of.

Ironically, he still hasn’t been found guilty of a single one. Trumps real crime was in trying to replace the sovereign. Trump, a bombastic egomaniac believes he can be the bully in the pulpit.

But sovereigns are never replaced that easily. This is because, as we learn in systems engineering, any system that has evolved to the point of being successful has extreme rigidity. Rigidity is the quality that keeps it safe from outsiders.

Everything from neurons, which become so rigid that a person can’t eliminate destructive beliefs, to unions, who become so rigid they destroy the host companies they prey on, rigidity is the ultimate cause of system extinction.

And the sovereign in systems like those in the west are deeply entrenched and very powerful. The sovereigns in the west were replaced by Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Roosevelt. It took two nuclear weapons to dislodge emperor Hirohito in Japan.

So, what does this tell us about the future?

Here’s where it gets difficult.

Since 1997, when Bill Clinton and more importantly Al Gore handed the country, lock, stock and barrel to the banks, the US has expanded its monetary base worldwide.

Credit Suisse genius economist Zoltan Pozar calls it a worldwide balance sheet expansion. The explanation of what this means involves a working understanding of accounting as well as a hands on understanding of how banks finance trade both externally and within their borders.

In short, banks are to the world today what nuclear proliferation was during the cold war. This can be seen by simply looking back to the 2000 Nasdaq crash, the 2008 mortgage market crash and the Covid-19 hoax.

In each case, the Fed unleashed massive money printing in an attempt to keep their positions are the bridge table.

What does this tell us about the future?

To see this we have to ask, who are the key sovereigns and what will they do to stay in power. Let’s list those organizations above the law and their power relative to each other.  

  • The banks – 60%
  • The military industrial complex – 20%
  • Non-governmental organizations. – 15%
  • The drug cartels, legal and illegal – 5%

Keep in mind, the sovereigns are not allies to each other. They’ll toss each other into the waste bin at the drop of a hat. To see what could happen, let’s list what IS happening.

  • Manufacturing and trade are leaving China. (Very quickly)
  • There is a massive shortage of US dollars in third world countries that rely heavily on them.
  • China and Russia are desperately trying to establish trading currencies.
  • India is caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.
  • Lower income Americans are close to the stage of utter revolt.
  • Trillions of dollars in stock market valuation are invested in legacy technology companies that, like their year 2000 counterparts, all talk and no utility.
  • The US and world are woefully under invested in mining, heavy manufacturing, and oil production. Under the guise of “environmentalism” Barack Obama created a US that is for all intents and purposes, a petroleum product.
  • The history of the US is being rewritten to create a victim class similar to what happened in Leninist Russia.
  • The defense military establishment are not -neocons, they’re neo-Trotskyists. They goal is not worldwide control, it’s constant revolution. They have already destroyed three countries and are trying to destroy Russia.
  • Worldwide, crime rates are soaring.

From a business standpoint, we can see several trends.

Remember, the enemy of the communists was not the rich, it was the bourgeoisie. That is, the middle class. Lenin’s apologists, like those in the EU today railed against ownership of private property.

To them, anybody with anything is an enemy of the state. This can be seen in Biden’s confiscation of the property of Russian “oligarchs”, but in places like New York, the dreaded wealth destroying property tax,

 It highly likely that third world countries will start to confiscate property. In Colombia, the President has just declared that anyone who owns more than one house is “rich” and has instituted a 30% wealth tax. India’s Modi is trying to eliminate currency in circulation. China has used the Wuhan virus to create a Berlin wall to keep it’s people (money) from leaving.

Another clear trend are revolts.

These are happening all over the world, from food revolts in Egypt and India, to BLM riots in the US to the utter destruction by terrorists of downtown Portland.

This is causing unprecedented white flight from the coasts to what used to be described as fly over country. Land values in places like Minnesota, Idaho and North and South Dakota are skyrocketing.

Your BIG advantage? Intellectuals won’t believe 10% of this.

As has been acknowledged by psychologists and advertising executives for decades, the more than 85% of the people do not believe in the sciences. To be sure, they believe there are things called sciences, but when push comes to shove they’ll believe what they are told by the group to believe.

The difficulty for normal news watching people is that we almost have to become George Costanza’s. We have to do the exact opposite of what seems logical.

Therein my friends, lies the challenge.